It’s me chusss. I am a music lover, guitar player myself.
OnlyBackingTracks is my growing project. Finally in the form of a website accessible anywhere in the world. Specially dedicated for all musicians and improvisation lovers. The pleasure of playing music is now available in extended, customized backing tracks to play along on your beloved instrument. This project came to life in 2014 on Youtube
There are other places on all social media. You will find all the links on this page to stay updated wherever you prefer to be 🙂
Important Legal Note about using OnlyBackingTracks
Feel free to use our tracks the way you want but please note that it’s NOT allowed to download streaming tracks from Youtube or any other place.
Our tracks are not “Royalty Free” It’s NOT allowed to use any of our tracks commercially or to be monetized without permission. Our tracks are offered to enjoy the pleasure of improvisation and playing music. If you intend to take it to the next level and publish any material using our tracks you need to contact us and gain a written permission first.